So long 2016
Where has the year gone? I can't believe I am mere minutes away from a whole new year! Most people are out in sparkly dresses and nice shirts and pants with a foil headband/ hat proclaiming "Happy New Years!". I, however, am not most people. I am curled up on my couch in jeans and my grounds coffee shirt watching "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" on FreeForm with a glass of wine by myself. I am not mad about any of that. Would I have had fun at a party, yes! But I didn't have one to attend which is perfectly fine. Anyway, with everyone posting on social media about reflecting back on the past year I have been thinking about my year. Honestly, it was kind of one of the worst years of my life. This time last year I was dreading going back my university because I was falling behind and my depression and anxiety were at an all time high. A few months later one of my worst nightmares happened, literally, I have had nightmares about this, I was forced to leave my university. It was heartbreaking. My university was my favorite place and I had built a community there. I no longer had that kind of community at home. To say the transition was rough is an understatement. It was awful. I went from living on my own in an apartment with a roommate within minutes from all of my friends and being able to do whatever I want whenever I want; to living back in my childhood bedroom, and hours away from my friends. There were times I wanted to curl up under my comforter and times I wanted to march back to my university and beg them to let me come back. Needless to say, my year was emotional.
Rachel Whitehurst tweeted something tonight that really stuck with me. she tweeted " It was a hard year, but I'm still here and I'm still trying." I feel like this statement sums up my year. A lot of stuff happened this year, but I made it through and am still going.
On a high note, I have been successfully working on getting my depression and anxiety under control. I have been going to therapy consistently and it has helped tremendously. I have also found a passion for baristaing ( I am not sure if that is actually a word or not...oh well!) though the grounds coffee bookstore and cafe at Mecklenburg Comunity Church. I have always been a lover of coffee and a little nervous about trying to make these drinks and handling the pressure of the rush that happens right before a service starts. I have managed to put my fears into perspective and have really enjoyed making these drinks for people even when all I see is empty cups that need to be filled with flavor syrups and milk and espresso. I know that each one of those cups will make someone happy even if it is only for a few minutes.
As far as school has gone, I have been working on getting my grade up and have been making some of the best grades I have made in a while. I have realized some of the things I took for granted at my former college that I don't necessarily have at my current community college and that has been a mental struggle that I have overcome. There is still a more to overcome until I am finished, but I am trying to take it one semester at a time.
Rachel Whitehurst tweeted something tonight that really stuck with me. she tweeted " It was a hard year, but I'm still here and I'm still trying." I feel like this statement sums up my year. A lot of stuff happened this year, but I made it through and am still going.
Well, we are now almost and hour into 2017 and I think its time for me to finish my 2nd glass of wine and go to bed. Goodbye 2016, I won't miss you.
~Anne with an "e"
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