Digital Media Convergence Ch 11
Since the 1950s video has grown to be not only a source of entertainment but also a way for people to share their lives. I remember having the bookshelves of VHS tapes and having to be careful when handling them so we didn’t mess up the film strips and the fateful day we accidentally pulled the film out and couldn’t get it to work right ever again. Then we moved to DVDs that had everything stored on a disk that you had to be careful to not get too scratched and now everything is digital! As long as you have Wi-Fi you can watch videos until your heart’s content.
With the rise of YouTube, sharing video has become easier than ever. You can watch a YouTube video on how to make a YouTube video. People have moved from writing blogs to filming “vlogs” (video blogs). Video is a way for people to share more than just words. Video you see color, mannerisms, and hear the tone of the person’s voice. Video actually shows people what the world is like outside of their bubble.
How do you like to view videos? Let me know in the comments below!
~Anne with an "e"
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