Digital Media Convergence Ch 13

This class has had a major focus on video production. We have learned how to storyboard, how to set up a shot, how to evaluate lighting, how to mic for sound, and how to edit. We have been really fortunate to have access to multiple types of video equipment from our phones to lighting kits to Lav mics to a fancy 4k video camera.


I had worked on video projects before this class, so I understood the basics of how to set up a shot and light it and stuff, but that was all supervised. For this class, my professor ran us through how to use the equipment and then sent us off on our own. I am not going to lie; it was a little nerve-racking. This camera is so nice and expensive it was like being allowed to test drive a Ferrari without a customer service representative.


It was quite amazing being able to run out with the camera set up the tripod and shoot things like the college’s front fountain and the Raleigh skyline. There were a few not so good shots and it was HOT out, but overall everything went great! Our video came out wonderfully.


Have you ever worked on a video project? What was your favorite part? Let me know in the comments below!  

~Anne with an "e"


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